Omega 3+ DHA Rich Eggs

Arogya Farm is the sole manufacturer of Omega 3+ DHA rich eggs. With the innovative nature & technological advancement of Arogya Farm the company has been able to manufacture this nutritionally rich form of eggs for the benefit of all Sri Lanka. Supported by government bodies such as Industrial Technical Institute (ITI) and National Enterprises Development Authority (NEDA), Arogya Farm has pioneered in developing a unique, innovative and high nutritious type of egg which came to be known as “Omega 3+ DHA Rich Eggs”. The high-tech process used to manufacture these eggs has been meticulously supervised and certified by ITI.Therefore Arogya Omega 3+ DHA rich eggs are proven to be high quality and high nutritious eggs that maintain the credibility & standards required in order to pass the constant monitoring conducted by this institute.

            These Omega 3+ DHA Rich Eggs are known to be full of nutrition with a multitude of health benefits. By including Omega 3+ in your diet it is known that you can protect yourself from heart disease, some inflammatory diseases and autoimmune disorders including rheumatoid arthritis. It is also known to promote eye health and improves vision. Starting from the foetal stage, Omega 3+ has many benefits for humans. From helping expectant mothers have a healthy pregnancy & an even healthier baby to having a positive impact on infant growth and development as well as on behaviour, attention and learning in children. It is also known to lower the risk of Asthma in young adults while helping to maintain good mental health by increasing memory cognitive functions. In fact, with an Omega 3+ DHA rich diet you can protect against dementia & the decline in cognitive abilities as you age. Further to this, these nutrients are known to balance your blood pressure level and regulate the cholesterol triglyceride level in blood. As such Arogya Farm is happy to be able to provide the Sri Lankan market with this innovative brand of eggs which will help you provide your family & friends with the necessary daily intake of Omega 3+ DHA keeping Sri Lankans healthy for long.

Arogya Farm is the only farm which produces high quality Omega 3+ DHA rich Eggs. Arogya Omega 3+ DHA rich Eggs have been specially made after extensive research done by Arogya Farm to ensure that you are able to gain valuable nutrients through a simple egg. The process of manufacturing these eggs is heavily monitored & constant quality control is in place to guarantee that the product is made under stringent quality checks are done to make sure the manufacturing process is not altered in any way. The unique method used to enrich these eggs has been developed especially by Arogya farm, as a result Arogya Omega 3+ DHA rich eggs have been patented by ITI along with Arogya Farm. This means that the most reliable & only source for you to get eggs that are enriched with the vital nutrients Omega 3+ DHA is through Arogya Farm.

Arogya Omega 3+ DHA rich eggs are manufactured in high quality farm and the research teams at our facility are constantly looking for new ways in which to enrich our eggs in order to provide you with highly nutritious eggs. By working together with acclaimed institutes such as the Industrial Technology Institute (ITI), which is the pioneer scientific research & development organization in Sri Lanka and a successor to Ceylon Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research (CISIR) that comes under the purview of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Research, we are able to assure clients that our products are of excellent quality. With ITI certification we are able to proudly say that our eggs deliver what we promise, which is extra nutrition in every egg.

The Sri Lanka Standards Institute operates a Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) certification Scheme based on the Sri Lankan Standards on codes of practice available in the related discipline. They monitor the Design, facilities, equipment and maintenance at the relevant Establishment, its Operation Control, Cleaning and Sanitation, Personal hygiene of workers,Transportation, training, Product certification, Pest control, Waste management, Packaging and Labelling  leading to a cohesive monitoring of the entire establishment, after which establishments that meet their strict standards are awarded a certification. Arogya Farm is among the establishments thus certified, further proving that we are a brand to be trusted to provide you with the very best!

Arogya Farm is known to be a cruelty free farm where stringent measure are taken to ensure that all chickens are handled in a humane manner. From the quality of the pens to the food that they are given, only the very best is used for the chickens reared at Arogya Farm. Proper ventilation, natural light, space and nutrition are all part of the steps taken to ensure that the animals are healthy, clean and well looked after, while all workers are trained to look after and handle the chickens without cruelty. As such it is with great certainty and pride that we assure you that Arogya Farm has no place for animal cruelty!

Golden Yolk Eggs by Arogya Farm are healthy, nutritional eggs from hens that have been well fed & looked after allowing them to produce healthy eggs. Golden yolk indicates higher levels of Vitamins A, E, and beneficial fatty acids in the eggs. By feeding our hens with a balanced diet & housing them in well lit, properly ventilated poultry pens we have been able to ensure that each Golden Yolk Egg produced by us is nutritious & tasty. Eggs with golden yolks are a symbol of well fed, healthy hens producing healthy, highly nutritious eggs. Therefore with every pack of Arogya Golden Yolk Eggs you will be able to benefit from high quality, fresh eggs that prove their high quality & nutrition for you to see.