Go Green

Intensive farming is an activity that can result in large scale negative impacts on the environment if proper care & consideration is not taken. Arogya Farm has understood this & taken a number of fundamental precautions to ensure that our operations are environmentally friendly, thus safeguarding nature while producing high quality eggs. Among the actions we have undertaken with this in mind the following stand out.

While we had to cut down trees in the process of manufacturing our farm for poultry sheds & buildings we have simultaneously introduced a tree planning program. As such for every tree that was cut down we have planted others, increasing the overall green matter on our land significantly!

All eggs collected & marketed by Arogya Farm are packed in recyclable paper pulp packaging. This process is further enhanced by using our own waste papers to manufacture our paper pulp packaging that is sun dried in order to save on electricity consumption. Our packs are 100% biodegradable and re-collected trays are also re-used as an input in the packaging plant.

At Arogya Farm it is a practice that materials which doesn’t decompose are not used. Even our buildings are made with careful consideration towards the harmful effects of material to people & nature. A good example of this is that we have not used asbestos roofing anywhere on our property!

The farm land around the poultry operation has been landscaped with trees, water catchments, and drains in order to prevent soil erosion. We also have a compost plant that uses chicken manure & waste vegetation which is used to increase the nutrition of the soil in our land.